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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Dein Calisthenics Home Gym: Effizient Trainieren Ohne Fitnessstudio

Your calisthenics home gym: train efficiently without a gym

With a calisthenics home gym, you can have your own fitness studio at home - without any expensive memberships! No matter whether you have little space or want to train flexibly: With the right exe...
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12 Übungen mit der Gewichtsweste für mehr Kraft!

12 exercises with the weight vest for more strength!

Do you want to take your fitness to the next level? Then the Pullup & Dip weight vest is exactly what you need! This vest has been specially developed to intensify your training and help you achiev...
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Die besten 13 Übungen mit der Klimmzugstange an der Decke

The best 13 exercises with the pull-up bar on the ceiling

The search for effective exercise equipment for the home leads many to one particular option: the ceiling-mounted pull-up bar. This versatile training device offers you countless opportunities to t...
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Top 12 pull-up bar exercises on the wall above the door frame

We show you 12 exercises with the wall pull-up bar above the door frame. Ideal for pull-ups and effective training for strength and muscle building! Read more now!
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FIBO Köln 2024 - Pullup & Dip auf der weltweit größten Fitnessmesse

FIBO Cologne 2024 - Pullup & Dip at the world's largest fitness trade fair

FIBO 2024 in Cologne proved to be an unforgettable experience for our team at Pullup & Dip, taking our passion for fitness and wellness to a new level. Filled with vibrant energy and surrounded by ...
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Die Top 20 Fitnessband Übungen Für Überall

Top 20 full-body resistance band exercises you can do anywhere

This article discusses full-body resistance band exercises that you do anywhere. First, we will give a brief description of what resistance band exercises are. We will then give an overview of 20 e...
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Calisthenics Trainingsplan Für Anfänger – Alles Was Du Wissen Musst.

Beginner Calisthenics Workout Plan – Everything You Need To Know

In this article, our calisthenics athlete gives you all the important infos about how to find the right training plan for yourself, as a calisthenics beginner.
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Training Mit Dem Eigenen Körpergewicht - Die 11 Besten Calisthenics Übungen Für Den Anfang

Top 8 Calisthenics Exercises To Get You Started!

Trying something new for the first time can be riddled with fear and uncertainty. His tends to be the case with most new things we experience. However, this does not have to be the case all the tim...
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Klimmzug Griffarten - Die Unterschiede Der Griffpositionen Bei Klimmzügen

8 Different Grip Positions for Pull-Ups

The pull-up is a tried-and-true exercise that’s popular with both newcomers and advanced athletes alike. But there’s more to this classic exercise than meets the eye. Whether it’s changing your gri...
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