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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Richtiges Aufwärmen Vor Dem Klimmzug-Training – Das Solltest Du Beachten

Pull-Up Warmup - Top 10 Exercises To Warm Up Perfectly

We show you 10 different exercises for your perfect pull-up workout so that you avoid any injury during or after the workout.
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20 Klimmzüge Am Stück - 7 Hilfreiche Tipps

How to achieve 20 pull-ups in a row - top 7 tips

Achieving a full set of 20 pull-ups isn’t something everyone can do when starting out. Only doing a couple of “ugly” reps, say 5 or 10 isn’t going to get your muscles going too much either. Doing a...
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Die Größten Fünf Fehler Bei Klimmzügen - Und Wie Du Sie Vermeidest!

The five biggest mistakes in pull-ups - and how you avoid them!

Pull-ups are not called a supreme discipline for the back for nothing - although they look easy at first glance and many still know them from their school days, they prove to be extremely nasty in ...
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Die Ultimativen Top 5 Tipps, Um Klimmzüge Als Frau Zu Trainieren!

The Ultimate Top 5 Pull-Up Tips For Women To Do More Pull-Ups

We are going to show you the 5 best tips to help turn pull-ups into your favourite exercise, even as a woman. You will soon be able to perform like a pro on the pull-up bar!
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Bizeps Klimmzug Training An Der Klimmzugstange - 5 Top Übungen

How to train biceps on the pull-up bar - 5 effective exercises

Training your biceps can be a very fun and rewarding exercise, unless you’re eating a crunchy bar like the Nutty Professor while you’re at it. Most people start off using dumbbells and move on to o...
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Beintraining Mit Bändern - Top 10 Beinübungen Mit FREESIXD

Leg training with bands - Top 10 leg exercises with FREESIXD

Want to upgrade your leg workout? In the following article we have put together 10 effective exercises for you to take your leg training with the FREESIXD sling trainer to the next level.
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FREESIXD Schlingentrainer Montage - 3 Montagevarianten

FREESIXD Suspension Trainer Installation - 3 Mounting Variants

In this article, we show you how to install the FREESIXD sling trainer professionally. We will help you with the installation for indoor use on walls and doors, or for outdoor use on trees and posts.
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Die Top 12 Fitnessbänder Übungen Mit Dem FREESIXD

The 12 Best Fitness Band Exercises with FREESIXD

Take your resistance band training to a whole new level with FREESIXD: try out a variety of exercises with a whole range of band strengths, combine the bands with handles, TRINGS, the Exercise Bar ...
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Die Top 12 Schlingentrainer-Übungen Mit Dem FREESIXD

The 12 Best Suspension Trainer Exercises with FREESIXD

Maybe you already have some experience with a suspension trainer, but you need fresh ideas for your suspension trainer workouts? Or perhaps you’re just looking for a new kind of full-body workout t...
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