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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Griffband Im Sport - Top 10 Anwendungsmöglichkeiten

Grip Tape In Sports – Top 10 Possible Applications

There are numerous possible applications for a grip tape. First and foremost, it is used to give surfaces a better grip; in addition, it has several positive side effects. Reason enough, therefore,...
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Klimmzugbänder – Richtige Stärke Und Top Anwendungen

Pull-up Bands - Proper Strength And Top Applications

Pull-up bands are used as training equipment primarily to make it easier for beginners and returners to perform pull-ups. But wait: There are also other applications! For example, they can be used ...
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Fit Durch Den Winter - Die Besten Tipps Und Tricks

Fit Through The Winter - The Best Tips And Tricks

In winter, people increasingly complain about sore throats, runny noses and other cold symptoms. We present the best tips and tricks to help you get through the winter in good shape. Don't give ger...
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Die Top 10 Tipps Gegen Weihnachtsspeck

The Top 10 Tips Against Christmas Fat

Every year we look forward to Christmas: presents, free time and good food are just some of the joys that come with the holidays. But wait - after the winter vacations it's already a few kilos more...
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Die Top 15 Tipps Gegen Rückenschmerzen

The top 15 tips for relieving back pain

In this article we introduce to you the top 15 advice for back pain relief. We tell you what you can do to avoid such problems and we give you useful hints that help you in case you suffer from bac...
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Die Top 10 Übungen Gegen Rückenschmerzen

The top 10 exercises against back pain

Back pain: by no means an exception in our population, but a common affliction. But where there are problems, there are also solutions. Therefore, we explain in this article how you can get your ba...
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Fit Für Den Sommer: 10 Tipps Für Dein Sommer-Workout

Fit For The Summer – 10 Tips For Your Summer Workout

Are you fit for the summer? Dou you still need help to start your summer workout? Here we explain you 10 tips for your summer workout. Let's get started!
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Faszientraining - Top 15 Übungen Und Vorteile

Foam Roller Exercises And Top Benefits

It is supposed to relieve tension, alleviate pain, prevent annoying muscle soreness and even reduce stress and cellulite: We're talking about the foam roller. We show you the top 15 exercises.
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Die Top 10 Effektivsten Eigengewichtsübungen Für Zu Hause Und Unterwegs

The Top 10 Most Effective Deadweight Exercises For Home And Away

You feel like bodyweight training, but wonder how you can build muscles with it properly? Or do you want to start bodyweight training, but don't know which exercises are suitable for it? In this ar...
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