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Calisthenics Lernen – Diese 5 Fehler Solltest Du Vermeiden!

Learn Calisthenics – These Are The 5 Mistakes You Should Avoid!

Beginners usually make some mistakes when learning calisthenics. We would like to present you 5 mistakes that you should avoid.
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Endlich Fortschritte Beim Bauchtraining: Die 6 Häufigsten Fehler Und Unsere Top-Tipps

Getting Progress with Abdominal Training at last: 6 Most Common Mistakes and our Top Tips

As important and beneficial as abdominal training may be, it is still underrated in some parts of the sports world. From myths like " abdominal training is not necessary in the mass phase" to "abdo...
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Weighted Calisthenics – Die Besten Übungen, Zubehör Und Vieles Mehr

Weighted Calisthenics – Best Exercises, Equipment And All You Need To Know

Weighted calisthenics gives phenomenal results but needs to be carried out appropriately to achieve an optimal outcome. It is crucial to learn the appropriate types and proper form of exercise to w...
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Calisthenics-Skills: Diese 10 Übungen Musst Du Kennen!

Calisthenics Skills: These 10 Exercises You Must Know!

In calisthenics, you train with your own body weight. Depending on the type of exercise, you either challenge individual muscle groups or all muscle groups of the body in combination. The different...
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Die Top 10 Parallettes Übungen für Anfänger

The Top 10 Parallettes Exercises for Beginners

Parallettes can be described as parallel bars in small format and that is why they are also known as mini bars. They are especially suitable for gymnastics and Calisthenics exercises and can be use...
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5 Gründe, Warum Du Unbedingt Mit Wrist Wraps Trainieren Solltest

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Train With Wrist Wraps

You do Calisthenics? Then you should not train without wrist wraps. We'll show you five reasons why you should do your workout with wrist wraps!
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Parallettes Training – Vorteile, Varianten und Top Übungen

Parallel training - advantages, variations and top exercises

What exactly are the advantages of parallettes training? And what are the exercises for the mini-bar? In this article you will learn the advantages of Parallette training and the most popular exerc...
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Fortschritt Im Calisthenics Training - Was Du Beachten Musst

Calisthenics Progression - How To Progress In Calisthenics

This article is dedicated to progress and answer the most important questions about performance improvement in bodyweight training.
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Handstand Push-Ups Auf Parallettes [How-To Guide]

Handstand Push-Ups On Parallettes [How-To Guide]

Do you wanna do a handstand push-up? In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to achieve the handstand push-up on parallettes. Learn more now!
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