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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Handstand Lernen – Die Ultimative Anleitung Für Den Handstand

Learn how to do a Handstand – The ultimate handstand guide

We have summarised the most important points for you in this article, so that you can learn to do a handstand.
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Handstand auf Parallettes vs. am Boden

Handstand on parallettes vs. on the floor

The handstand is a popular skill in calisthenics. Once you get the balance, it opens up a lot of other training possibilities. But how does the exercise differ when you do the handstand on parallet...
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Top 8 Calisthenics Übungen Für Einen Breiten Rücken

Top 8 Calisthenics Exercises To Get a Wide Back

This article discusses the top 8 calisthenics exercises you can apply to get a wide back. Throughout this article we will be discussing several calisthenics exercises of different difficulty levels...
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Calisthenics Ernährung – Alles was du darüber wissen musst

Calisthenics Nutrition – Everything you need to know about it

In this article we are going to take a look at suitable nutrition for your Calisthenics Workout.
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Vor- Und Nachteile Des Krafttrainings Zuhause

Advantages And Disadvantages Of At Home Strength Training

Is it better to do your strength training at home or in the gym? In this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of strength training at home.
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Der Große Fitnessband-Vergleich - Alle Arten Und Vor- Und Nachteile Verschiedener Bänder

The Great Fitness Band Comparison - All Types And Advantages And Disadvantages Of Different Bands

In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about fitness bands! We'll explain what exactly fitness bands are, what the differences are between the various colors and shapes, and o...
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Top 10 Loop-Bänder Übungen

Top 10 Loop Band Exercises

In this article we show you 10 exercises that you can do with loop bands (so-called mini bands).
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Die Top 10 Übungen Mit Widerstandsbändern (Expander Bändern)

The Top 10 Exercises with Resistance Bands (Expander Bands)

In this article we show you 10 full-body exercises that you can do with resistance bands (tube bands). Learn more now!
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Behalte Alles Im Griff – Ein Vergleich Von Fitnesshandschuhen, Kreide, Griffpads & Griffband

Keep Everything Under Control - A Comparison Of Fitness Gloves, Chalk, Grip Pads & Grip Tape

Almost every athlete knows the moment when the grip strength fails or the skin hurts and threatens to burst open. Especially those of you who do deadlifts twice a week or pull-ups regularly during ...
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