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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Klimmzug Trainingsplan – Der perfekte Plan für mehr Klimmzüge

Effective Pull-up Workout Plan For More Pull-Ups

This article discusses a simple pull-up workout plan you can implement which is fully adaptable to your own individual capabilities. We will be covering areas such as training frequency, pull-up va...
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Jeden Tag Klimmzüge trainieren – Pro & Contra

Doing Pull-Ups Everyday – All Pros & Cons

Is it advisable to do pull-ups every day, in order to get a broad V-shaped back or a swimmer's back very quickly?
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Die Perfekte Klimmzüge Ausführung – Top 6 Tipps

How to do pull-ups – The perfect pull-up

At the beginning of your training workouts things may sometimes be confusing or challenging. However, getting the right information will help you go a long way and lowers the chances of injuring yo...
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Richtiges Aufwärmen Vor Dem Klimmzug-Training – Das Solltest Du Beachten

Pull-Up Warmup - Top 10 Exercises To Warm Up Perfectly

We show you 10 different exercises for your perfect pull-up workout so that you avoid any injury during or after the workout.
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Die Größten Fünf Fehler Bei Klimmzügen - Und Wie Du Sie Vermeidest!

The five biggest mistakes in pull-ups - and how you avoid them!

Pull-ups are not called a supreme discipline for the back for nothing - although they look easy at first glance and many still know them from their school days, they prove to be extremely nasty in ...
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Bizeps Klimmzug Training An Der Klimmzugstange - 5 Top Übungen

How to train biceps on the pull-up bar - 5 effective exercises

Training your biceps can be a very fun and rewarding exercise, unless you’re eating a crunchy bar like the Nutty Professor while you’re at it. Most people start off using dumbbells and move on to o...
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Top 10 Liegestütze-Varianten Für Einen Effektiven Muskelaufbau

Top 10 Push-Up Variations For Effective Muscle Growth

The push-up is one of the best deadlift exercises for building chest, shoulder and triceps muscles. Numerous more complicated dead weight exercises and calisthenics exercises build on the push-up. ...
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Liegestützgriffe – Die Top Vorteile und Übungen mit Liegestützgriffen

Push Up Bars – The Main Advantages Of Push-Up Bars And Top Exercises

In this article, you will find out everything you need to know about push-up grips and push-ups in general. We will help you with some tips on how to perform the exercises, and explain the advantag...
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Training Mit Der Tür Klimmzugstange - Die Besten 15 Übungen

Training With The Door Pull-up Bar - The Best 15 Exercises

We show you the best 15 exercises to effectively train your body from home with just a door frame pull-up bar.
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