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Top 23 tips for guaranteed more pull-ups.

Klimmzug Griffarten - Die Unterschiede Der Griffpositionen Bei Klimmzügen

8 Different Grip Positions for Pull-Ups

The pull-up is a tried-and-true exercise that’s popular with both newcomers and advanced athletes alike. But there’s more to this classic exercise than meets the eye. Whether it’s changing your gri...
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Klimmzüge - Diese Muskeln Werden Alle Trainiert

Pull-ups - These muscles are all trained

Which muscles are used during pull-ups? In this article we will be taking a closer look at the muscles used when doing pull-ups, how they work together and how variations of the pull-up exercise in...
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Die Top 10 Tipps, Mit Denen Du Mehr Klimmzüge Schaffst

Top 10 Tips How To Do More Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are also known as chin-ups. They can be executed in different variations (overhand grip, underhand grip, neutral grip, wide-grip, close-grip, …) and belong, next to push-ups and a couple o...
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Klimmzugstange Kaufen Für Türe, Decke Oder Wand? Vor- Und Nachteile

Buy A Pull-up Bar For The Door, Ceiling, Or Wall? Advantages And Disadvantages

Nowadays you can find pull-up bars for the door as well as models to be mounted on the wall or on the ceiling. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different variants? The following par...
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Die 5 Top Übungen Für Das Bauchtraining An Der Klimmzugstange

The Best 10 Pull-Up Bar Exercises for Abs

You want to loose body fat and get a sixpack? A Pull Up bar also allows you to train your abs with many different exercises. Check out our best 10 Pull-Up bar exercises for abs and get in shape for...
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Endlich Muscle-Ups Lernen – Richtige Ausführung Und Tipps

How to do the perfect muscle-up - Top 5 tips

Muscle-ups are one of the most challenging calisthenics exercises around, not only because of the challenge it presents for your muscles but also because of the balance and transitions needed in or...
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Bar Brothers Interview - Sharing Their Top 3 Tips For Beginners

Bar Brothers Interview - Sharing Their Top 3 Tips For Beginners

We interviewed the Barbrothers about their top 3 tips for Calisthenics beginners and many more interesting questions. Read more now!
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Interview With Andrea Larosa - "How I Built This Amazing Physique"

Interview With Andrea Larosa - "How I Built This Amazing Physique"

Andrea Larosa is a well know Calisthenics athlete. In our interview we answers some interesting questions and the secrets how he built his amazing physique.
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Top 5 Widerstandsbandübungen an der Pullup & Dip Bar

Top 5 resistance bands exercises on the Pullup & Dip bar

Premium resistance bands are ideal if you like to bring your workout with you while you're traveling, if you need support to train different exercises, or if you exercise at home. Not only are they...
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